Bylaw section 10 defines Affiliated Groups, including the three categories of groups recognized by this status. Affiliated Groups and their Members are subject to the Society’s by-law document and operating policies. All Affiliated Groups should make special note of Policy 10 – Civility.

1. Constituencies and Special Interest Groups Rules and Regulations

All members of a Constituency or Special Interest Group must be Members of the Society. Constituencies and Special Interest groups must operate in accordance with their Board approved terms of reference. Said document must be approved within six months of receiving status as a Constituency or Special Interest Group and include a dissolution process and the requirement to hold at least one Annual General Meeting, often, but not necessarily, at the same time as the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The Executive of the Constituency or Special Interest Group shall normally include a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer instead of two separate executive positions of Secretary and Treasurer. Subject to approval of the Board, Constituencies and Special Interest Groups may add additional officers to their executive. Executive members are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Constituency or Special Interest Group and may hold office for two years with the possibility of a second two-year term. Subject to approval by the Board, and under the control of the Board, Constituencies and Special Interest Groups may also raise or receive funds to carry out their activities.

Constituencies and Special Interest Groups are required to prepare an annual report (January 1 – December 31), documenting:

  • group activities and accomplishments from the previous year;
  • plans for the coming year;
  • financial statements, if applicable, for the previous year;
  • a budget for the next year; and
  • anticipated support needs.

Annual reports are submitted to the Secretary of the Society no later than January 31, following the year being reported. Terms of Reference for an Affiliated Group are submitted to the Secretary of the Society and are posted on the Society’s website.

The Board may withdraw its recognition of a Constituency or Special Interest Group (Bylaw section 10.3, Dissolution of Affiliated Groups) if its annual report does not demonstrate active progress in the pursuit of its goals and purpose or if it fails to fulfill the terms of its by-law document. An Affiliated Group may dissolve at any time by way of written notice to the Secretary with the names and signatures of at least 60% of its members. 

The Director responsible for the annual STLHE conference works consultatively with the conference host(s) and Constituencies and Special Interest Groups to coordinate meeting space and the scheduling of their annual or general meeting at the Society’s annual conference. Ideally, meetings and presentations of Constituencies and Special Interest Groups should not run concurrent to one another and should be identified according to their Affiliated Group status in the conference program.

2. Rules and Regulations of Teaching and Learning Networks

All members of a Teaching and Learning Network must be Members of the Society. To maintain active status as a Teaching and Learning Network, the group must maintain at least eight members from multiple institutions or regions at all times and prepare and submit an annual report (January 1 – December 31), documenting:

  • group activities and accomplishments from the previous year;
  • projected goals for the coming year;
  • a current membership list;
  • the name(s) and contact information of the group leader(s) or convenor(s) (up to two);
  • an accounting of any funds raised or received in support of Network activities; and
  • anticipated support needs for the coming year.

Annual reports are submitted to the Secretary of the Society no later than January 31, following the year being reported.

The Board may withdraw its recognition of a Teaching and Learning Network (Bylaw section 10.3, Dissolution of Affiliated Groups) if active status is not maintained by the Network or its annual report fails to demonstrate active progress toward meeting its goals and purpose.

Individual Networks must reapply for Teaching and Learning Network status every three years and include joining instructions and information about the Network on the Society’s website.

Subject to approval by the Board, and under the control of the Board, Teaching and Learning Networks may raise and/or receive funds to carry out their activities.

The Director responsible for the annual STLHE conference works consultatively with the conference host(s) and Teaching and Learning Networks to coordinate meeting space and other supports, as needed and available, at the Society’s annual conference.

A Teaching and Learning Network may dissolve at any time by way of written notice to the Secretary with the names and signatures of at least 60% of its members. Bylaw section 10.3 outlines the means by which the Society may dissolve a Teaching and Learning Group.

3. Administrative Support

The following list summarizes basic administrative supports. Additional and more detailed information is available in Policy 9 –Administrative Unit, section 2. Affiliated Groups will receive administrative support for:

  • a webpage on the domain that the Group will maintain;
  • access to mailing lists for their group;
  • access to online meeting resources and/or discussion forums;
  • publication of notices from Affiliated Groups in Society communications to its membership; and,
  • as required, assistance with accounts associated with an Affiliated Group.

Through approval of the Board, the Society may provide special funds to Affiliated Groups and the Society controls any funds raised or received by Affiliated Groups through membership fees, events, and/or sources outside of the Society.

This policy was revised by the Board at its November 12, 2021 meeting.

The policy was revised and approved by the Board on October 15, 2018 to align to new categories of affiliated groups.
The policy wording was revised on November 3, 2017 to align with the by-laws approved in June, 2016.
This policy was approved by the Board June 20, 2016 with the exception of 3a which requires additional work by the Board.
This policy was updated on June 10, 2016 to be compliant with the proposed by-laws of the Society.
With exception of 3a, this policy was approved by the Board at is February 19, 2016 meeting with unanimous approval.
This policy was revised on April 27, 2015 to accommodate changes associated

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