What is SoTL Canada?
SoTL Canada defines itself as a community of researchers and practitioners with a mission to work within the aims and structure of the STLHE to promote theory and applied research in the domains of teaching and learning, and facilitate the adoption of scholarship of teaching and learning into scholarly teaching practice, improved student learning, and curriculum improvement. SoTL Canada strives to meet this mission by coordinating communication, networking, professional development opportunities, and advocacy strategies.
SoTL Canada Goals
SoTL Canada strives to:
- Supporting the dissemination of scholarship about teaching and learning in higher education.
- Networking and jointly advocating with educational researchers within and across disciplines (e.g., Discipline-based Educational Research).
- Serving as a resource, network, and mentor for those seeking SoTL information and support.
- Engaging as a community of practice of SoTL scholars – sharing resources, research, and problem-solving regarding SoTL issues and questions.
- Providing leadership and mentoring on SoTL project design and SoTL peer review.
- Supporting, engaging, and advocating for students as equitable partners and scholars of teaching and learning.
- Advocating at all levels for the importance and value of SoTL by building a SoTL culture at institutional, regional, national, and international levels.
- Fostering the advancement and evolution of SoTL as a field of scholarship.
- Creating a national forum where emerging issues in SoTL can be candidly discussed.
- Strengthening the position of STLHE as the professional/academic organization of choice for scholars of teaching and learning, particularly for those practicing in Canada.
Contact Us
Please contact us for information about SoTL Canada.