Electronic votes may occur between Board meetings with the following provisions:

(a) No more than one item will be submitted at any time to the Board for an electronic vote.

(b) The motion put to an electronic vote must be time sensitive, must not be contentious and must not be on a matter which requires extensive Board discussion. If the motion put for an electronic vote becomes contentious, then the motion shall not continue as an electronic vote, but the matter will be added to a subsequent meeting of the Board.

(c) Any motion put to an electronic vote must have all relevant background material attached so Board members can make an informed decision.

(d) Board members be given 72 hours to review the motion and vote in an electronic vote.

The Executive Director shall distribute an electronic vote to all Board members at either the request of the Executive Committee or with the request of two Board members, who shall be the mover and the seconder of the motion. The Executive Director shall keep a record of the vote and report to the Board the final disposition of the motion. The motion and the results of the vote shall be recorded as part of the minutes of the next Board meeting. 

This policy was revised by the Board at its November 12, 2021 meeting.

Approved by:  STLHE Board of Directors

Date approved:  May 22, 2020

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