Teaching as an International Teaching Assistant

Back to TAGSA Teaching as an International Teaching Assistant As an international student enrolled in a teaching certificate program and teaching development courses, I was given exciting opportunities to teach both micro-teaching sessions and a unit within an undergraduate course. These programs introduced me to the scholarly literature on teaching and learning and how I…


Walking the Path of Technical Teaching Assistants?

Back to TAGSA Walking the Path of Technical Teaching Assistants? The Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics has created two niche programs, namelyMaster in Environmental Economics & Management and a Master of Science in Environmental Economics & Management. These programs have garnered significant interest from students nationwide due to their distinctiveness. The programs are being delivered using a hybrid approach to accommodate the…


2023 TAGSA Award Recipient

Back to TAGSA TAGSA Award for an Outstanding Conference Session Led by a Graduate Student The recipient of the TAGSA Award for an Outstanding Conference Session Led by a Graduate Student for 2023 is Kevin Prada from McGill University for their session titled: “Vers La Réussite: Screening and Navigation Service Pilot Study for At-Risk Postsecondary…


2022 TAGSA Award Recipient

2022 TAGSA Award Recipient The recipient of the TAGSA Award for an Outstanding Conference Session Led by a Graduate Student for 2022 is Adil Arshad from the University of Calgary for his session titled: Engaging Graduate Students as Partners in Educational Development: Lessons from a Survey of Canadian TLCs. In Adil’s session, he shared his…


Brightspace Training and the Perceived Benefits of GTAs

Brightspace Training and the Perceived Benefits of GTAs In the last academic year, I have been working as a Learning Technology Coach (LTC) at the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) at Memorial University, where I am also completing my PhD program in engineering. LTCs support instructors in using tools in their course…


Your Success is My Success: A Short Story of Diverse Learning

Your Success is My Success: A Short Story of Diverse Learning The continuous satisfaction of mutual learning and passing knowledge on to another generation. That is my answer when people ask why I applied to become a teaching assistant. That feeling of joy when you fulfill your duty of passing on knowledge acquired through hard…


Live Transcriptions Aren’t for Everyone

Live Transcripts Aren’t for Everyone I recently discovered and became fascinated by the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). I really like the fact that courses designed with UDL in mind typically offer students choice and aim to break down barriers to learning for students. On the CAST website, which is filled with amazing…


Call for Submissions—TAGSA Snapshots of Practice

Call for Submissions—TAGSA Snapshots of Practice TAGSA, a special interest group of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), is soliciting first-person essays written by teaching assistants (TAs), graduate assistants (GAs), and graduate students (GS). The essays may cover a wide range of topics centred on teaching and learning practices at Canadian…


Q&A with the 2019 TAGSA Award Winner Gerry Gourlay!

The winner of the TAGSA Award for an Outstanding Conference Session Led by a Graduate Student for 2019 is Gerry Gourlay from the University of Victoria for her session titled: Culture Shift: The Four-Year Transformation of Teaching in a Biology Department.  In Gerry’s session, she shared her experience of shifting the teaching culture in the…


The Joys of Guest-Lecturing as a Graduate Student

The Joys of Guest-Lecturing as a Graduate Student By Adrian Taylor, MSc ‘I need you to teach my class.’ That was the phrase that I heard as a graduate student at the University of Guelph a couple of Januarys ago. It can be a scary sentence to hear as a graduate student. This is particularly…


A Q&A with 2018 TAGSA Award winner Michelle Ogrodnik

On June 22, 2018, on the last day of the STLHE conference in Sherbrooke, QC, the TAGSA award for outstanding conference session led by a graduate student was given to Michelle Ogrodnik for her “My research in 300 seconds” session, titled “The era of screens, sitting, and studying: Harnessing the benefits of exercise to promote…


Rethinking Why and How I Attend Conferences

By Amelia Horsburgh, PhD Let’s get something straight: I don’t like attending conferences. Over the years I’ve found them overly-pretentious, stress-inducing, and mentally exhausting. Not to mention the financial cost. I’ve been a graduate student most of my adult life and scraping together little bits of funding to attend conferences has been soul-sucking and made…

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