The Criteria for the 3M Teaching Fellowship
*Please note: These guidelines have been amended as of August, 2023. They had previously been modified in March 2013, 2016 and 2020. Any review of past nomination packages must take into account that criteria and guidelines have changed.
Nominees are expected to demonstrate excellence in three equally weighted categories. Each section should provide unique evidence.
1. Educational Leadership:
Educational leadership involves leading significant transformation in teaching and learning at an institutional, disciplinary, community, and/or societal level. Educational leadership fosters and supports change, and leads to a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse post-secondary education landscape.
2. Teaching Excellence:
Teaching excellence refers to the intentional actions of an instructor to create an exceptional learning environment through engaging in pedagogical practices designed to maximize student learning. Excellent teachers engage in inclusive practices, scholarly teaching and ongoing reflection of their own teaching practice.
3. Educational Innovation:
Educational innovation is the novel execution of ideas that contribute to more effective teaching and learning practices. The result of educational innovation impacts people in academia and beyond to reach mutual goals.
However, almost every nominee meets these criteria. In a field where there are more qualified nominations than there are spaces in the fellowship, the adjudication committee tends to look for those that demonstrate impact on students and institutions: those that tell a story, that “jump off the page.” What impresses is depth and harmony in the dossier, not simply a long list of activities.