This Fellowship is supported by 3M Canada whose values are:

  • Supporting equity and inclusion in education, especially STEM education.
  • Equipping our future workforce to put a brighter future within reach for Canada and Canadians.
  • Advocating for science. 
  • Creating a better world through science and inspiring others to join us.

As leaders in teaching and learning, 3M Fellows are acknowledged for their contributions to teaching and learning. They are also expected to actively work to improve post-secondary education for Canadian teachers and students.

Fellows in each new cohort will:
  • Develop and complete a funded project on teaching and learning. Each cohort will have up to $25,000.00 for their project. 
  • Attend the annual STLHE conference in their cohort year.
  • Attend and actively participate in their cohort summit.
  • Host a cohort conference-based presentation, webinar or virtual professional learning session on best practices in teaching and learning in post-secondary education in Canada for 3M Canada and STLHE audiences.
  • Speak about their experience as a 3M National Teaching Fellow for the purpose of promoting the Fellowship. Promotions may include quotes, interviews, video interviews, event participation, panel discussions, etc.
  • Be offered opportunities to comment and present on topics of shared interest to them and 3M Canada.
Benefits of being a 3M National Teaching Fellow

Once selected, the new Fellows can look forward to several productive and enjoyable opportunities.

  • New Fellows will be invited to attend the STLHE annual conference and a teaching and learning 3M Fellows Summit. Please see Deadlines, Submission Requirements and Timelines for the specific dates for the coming year. Nominated Fellows should set aside both dates. The 3M Program pays all the new Fellows’ expenses for the Summit; it is expected that the Fellows’ home institutions will support travel, accommodation, and registration at the STLHE Conference in June. Unfortunately, STLHE cannot cover the costs of attending the conference. Recipients of the Fellowship are expected to attend both events.
  • New Fellows will receive a two-year membership in the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and the Council of 3M National Fellows for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

At the conference the new Fellows will:

  • Be formally inducted as a Fellow
  • Participate in the “Meet the New STLHE 3M National Teaching Fellows” session
  • Meet the other Fellowship recipients and Summit facilitators
The Summit

At the Summit, that year’s cohort participates in facilitated discussion about Fellows’ experiences and perspectives and transformative approaches to addressing needs in current higher education and society. The Summit culminates in the launch of a collaborative project.

Following the Summit, Fellows can engage collaboratively in funded cohort-based projects. Funding is available up to $25,000 total per cohort for the development and execution of the project(s). The results of the project(s) will be presented at the 2026 conference.

3MNTF project discussions and objectives will aim to focus on big ideas such as:

  • Promoting the integration of equity, diversity and inclusion-related considerations in post-secondary education and practices such as the goals identified in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission;
  • Integrating significant change in teaching and learning at an institutional, disciplinary, community, and/or societal level;
  • Research into exceptional learning environment through engaging in pedagogical practices designed to maximize student learning; or
  • Innovative ideas that contribute to more effective teaching and learning practices;
  • UN Sustainable Development goals related to post-secondary education;
  • Knowledge mobilization including making science relevant to Canadians; or
  • Other emergent and concerning areas related to post-secondary education as identified at the Summit.
Project Process

Note: This section is adapted from

Members of the cohort have the opportunity to apply for funding up to $25,000 (maximum for the entire cohort). Groups must have a minimum of three cohort members to be eligible.

Step-by-step process for cohort collaborative projects:

  1. Project(s) proposals will need to be submitted and approved by a panel. This will need to include a complete project plan and process plan.
  2. Project(s) will need to be delivered at a future STLHE conference.
  3. Project final report.

Project plan and process plan: This is an overall project plan that is then divided further into a list of components (meetings, deliverables, etc.) that need to be done to reach project outcomes, who is assigned to each, and timeline for each component.

Project Plan
Title of project
Project outcomes: are changes or effects that participants or other stakeholders of your project experience as a result of their involvement. Because the outcomes of your project may appear gradually, it is often helpful to divide them into three stages: immediate (short-term) outcomes, intermediate outcomes, and ultimate (long-term) outcomes.Project outcomes (SMART[1] goals) must adhere to STLHE and 3M Canada policies and principles[2] and ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.  
Type of activity and outputs (number of events, dates, location, target audience)May include public forums, such as presenting a STLHE webinar or at the annual conference, and/or public communication through a variety of formats, such as infographics, open educational resources (OER), podcasts, opinion pieces, academic or popular press article, collaborative book, and more. A final report will also be required.
Budget (individuals’ time, advertising, speakers, printing costs, include in kind, etc.– Any equipment (hard assets) purchased would be owned by STLHE. – All expenses or travel costs must adhere to STLHE policies. – Include any in kind contributions in budget. – Faculty time cannot be charged to the project.
Additional comments

[1] SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Well defined, clear, and unambiguous
  • Measurable: With specific criteria that measure progress toward the accomplishment of the goal
  • Achievable: Attainable and not impossible to achieve
  • Realistic: Within reach, realistic, and relevant to the project’s purpose
  • Timely: With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting date and a target date. The purpose is to create urgency.

[2] Such as:

  • The future of post-secondary education
  • Diversity and Inclusion in post-secondary education, including specific actions for encouraging diverse perspectives and engagement
  • Sustainability at the confluence of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and post-secondary education
  • Knowledge mobilization including making science relevant to Canadians
  • And other emergent and concerning areas of need identified by either the cohort, STLHE or 3M Canada
Process Plan (what are all the components required to complete the above project)
Contact Name and Email for Project Evaluation/Final Report 
Components required to complete project.   This includes key deliverables, milestones, timelines, key stakeholders to engage, data sources, etc.   For example, if preparing a webinar, the components would be: – breaking the project down into all components (including outputs, if any, managing budget, equipment locating, etc.); – determining who in the cohort is doing which component; and – detailed timeline of deliverables.
Final Report

The final report is a two-page report plus attachments which will have the following content.

Project Title 
Cohort Year(s) 
Project TeamName, Institutional Affiliation, Department for all Project Members
Main ContactName and Email 
ActivitiesInclude a summary list of activities for the project.
OutputsInclude links (or attachments) for outputs. May include public forums, such as presenting a STLHE webinar or at the annual conference, and/or public communication through a variety of formats, such as infographics, open educational resources (OER), podcasts, opinion pieces, academic or popular press article, collaborative book, and more.
OutcomesDescribe the outcomes of the project for example specific changes in program participants’ behavior, knowledge, skills, status and level of functioning).  
ImpactDescribe the impact the project has had – individual, institutional, provincial, national, and international level.
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