Overall Aim:

The Contingent Faculty TLN exists to recognize the significant contributions of contract faculty to teaching excellence across Canada. The Contingent Faculty TLN seeks to encourage, support, and engage STLHE members in discussions and activities of importance to Canadian contract faculty. We welcome STLHE members who are contract faculty, those engaged in work supporting contract faculty, and those interested in the development and support of contract faculty to join the TLN.  

TLN Objectives: 

  • To encourage collaboration between contract faculty 
  • To support the professional development and work of contract faculty 
  • To engage contract faculty in STLHE and SoTL 
  • To lead, conduct and share research on contract faculty 

For more information or to join the Contingent Faculty TLN, please contact Brian Nairn or Brandon Sabourin at contingentfaculty@stlhe.ca

STLHE is Proudly Partnered With: