Educational Development Resources
In addition to the ED Guides, Institutes, Conferences and Resource Review, we have compiled a selection of great resources for supporting our work and for referring faculty members. The resources are organized by topic and sourced nationally and internationally). The resources are listed and described in their original language. We welcome resources in English, French, and Indigenous languages.
If you cannot find what you are looking for:
- If you have a resource to suggest, email to send your suggestion to the EDC Vice Chair, Communication.
- If you are looking for a resource you cannot find, someone likely has it. Send to the listserv, we welcome the request. Note at the top of your message: “Please send Reply and not Reply All”.
- Previous resources have been archived along with the entire old website.
Resources by Topic
Being an Educational Developer / Être un conseiller ou une conseillère pédagogique
- ED Guide No. 1. The Educational Developer’s Portfolio (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- ED Guide No. 2. Rapport-Building for Educational Developers (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- A Day in the Life of An Educational Developer: Part 1 – Learning Design for Deep Learning (
- Describing ED – Conceptualizing evolving models of educational development – Fraser – 2010 – New Directions for Teaching and Learning (
- ED Professional identities – Kensington Miller, B., Renc Roe, J., & Moron Garcia, S. (2015) The chameleon on a tartan rug: Adaptations of three academic developers’ professional identities, International Journal for Academic Development, 20(3), 279 290.
- “Chapter 1: Introduction to Educational Development,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 2: Working One on One,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 3: Working with Groups,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 4: Getting Organized,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 5: Threw a Party But Nobody Came!,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 6: Getting through the Door,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 7: The Sounds of Silence,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 8: Fake News,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 9: The Real Deal,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 10: Resistance is Useless,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 11: Teaching online,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 12: Connections,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 13: Conclusions and next steps,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
- “Chapter 14: Educational Developers Virtual Craft Group,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
Consultations / Consultations
- ED Guide No. 2. Rapport-Building for Educational Developers (CC-BY-NC-SA) – Chapter 4
- “Chapter 2: Working One on One,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
Course Development / Développement de cours
- Meta-Resources for EDs: How to support Course Development
- CODE Book, Fanshawe College
- Center for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) University of Toronto – under the course Design Tab, there are resources to help both the ED and faculty
- Resources for faculty members and program staff engaging in course development,
- Fanshawe College Lesson Planning Templates
- ILLINOIS CITL: Design and Develop an Online Course
- Quality Matters Rubric (6th edition) Specific Review Standards – QM Higher Education Rubric, Sixth Edition
- Backward Design
- Understanding by Design | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University
- Introduction— The Logic of Backward Design
- Backward Design
Curriculum Development and Program Development / Développement de curriculum et de programmes
- Meta-Resources for EDs:
- Barr, R.B., and Tagg, J. From Teaching to Learning: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education. Change: 1995, 27(6), 12-25. Type: Article Why: Explains why talking about student learning and learning outcomes is sometimes challenging (The classic article about shifts in how educators of changing one’s perspective of their role from thinking about “teaching students” to thinking about “bringing about learning”.)
- Jeppesen, A., Hoessler, C., Fewer, J., & Mulhall, S. (2019). Responding to Outcome-Based Curriculum Development. Transformative Dialogues, 12(1). – four case studies at three Canadian institutions, the presented set of curricula and models illustrate the role and approaches of educational developers in supporting the learning curve and building faculty relations in outcome-based accreditation.
- Credential Validation Service (CVS) resources
- Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF) Graphic
- Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF)
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities – Minister’s Binding Policy Directives, and Operating Procedures
- Mohawk College – New Program Development Website
- Algonquin – New Program Development Website
- Algonquin College – Program Development Resources
- Resources for faculty members and program staff:
- Post-secondary Education Quality Assurance Board (PEQAB) Manuals
Decolonization and Indigenization / Décolonisation et indigénisation
- Building a Strong Fire: Indigenous Quality Assurance Standards in Ontario Colleges
- ( – has a search by places to identify the treaty and peoples whose land you are in; also information on why, how and the critique of land acknowledgment.
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Northern College – Indigenous Resources
- Northern College – Cultural Information
Diversity & Inclusion / Diversité et inclusion
- Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Across Disciplines – Article Review (2018) by Klodiana Kolomitro of Hartwell, E. E., Cole, K., Donovan, S. K., Greene, R. L., Burrell Storms, S. L., & Williams, T. (2017). Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 1(39), 143-162. (
- How Do You Intentionally Design to Maximize Success in the Academically Diverse Classroom? – Article Review (2018) by Klodiana Kolomitro of Chandler, R., Zaloudek, J. A., & Carlson, K. (2017). How Do You Intentionally Design to Maximize Success in the Academically Diverse Classroom?. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2017(151), 151-169. (
Evaluating our Impact as centres and EDs / Évaluation de nos impacts en tant que centres et conseillers pédagogiques
- ED Guide No. 3. Centre Reviews: Strategies for Success (CC-BY) – a practical EDC guide for reporting, requesting and hosting a centre review. Published in the Educational Development Guide Series by EDC
- Evaluating Educational Development EDC Action Group – co-leads: Jovan Groen and Carolyn Ives
- Reading Summaries of Evaluating ED literature – existing summaries table of contents below the current 2020 reading group, EDC Evaluating Educational Development action group
- Telling our stories (Eliciting stories activity), EDC 2020, Carolyn Hoessler, Klodiana Kolomitro, Jessica Raffoul, & Erin Allard.
- Intentional Evidencing within multiple stakeholders’ goals, EDC 2019, Carolyn Hoessler, Carolyn Ives, Paul Martin
- Evidencing Value in Educational Development – Bamber, V., & Stefani, L. (2015). Taking up the challenge of evidencing value in educational development: from theory to practice, International Journal for Academic Development, 21(3), 242-254. doi: 10.1080/1360144X.2015.1100112 – (
- Kolomitro, K. & Anstey, L. M. (2017). A survey on evaluation practices in teaching and learning centres. IJAD, 22(2), 1-13.
- Defining What Matters Guidelines for Comprehensive Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Evaluation, POD Network,”>
Facilitating Groups / Facilitant des groupes
- ED Guide No. 2. Rapport-Building for Educational Developers (CC-BY-NC-SA) – Chapter 5 Groups
- “Chapter 3: Working with Groups,” Educational Developers Thinking Allowed (
Internationalization and Cultural Diversity / Internationalisation et diversité culturelle
- Intercultural Communication website module by Conestoga College (
- Kolomitro, K. (2018). Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Across Disciplines, EDC Resource Review of Hartwell, E. E., Cole, K., Donovan, S. K., Greene, R. L., Burrell Storms, S. L., & Williams, T. (2017). Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 1(39), 143-162.
- Internationalisation and equality and diversity in higher education: Merging identities, Viv Caruana and Josef Ploner (Equity Challenge Unit) (This resource gives an overview of the effects of internationalization from various stakeholder perspectives)
- Internationalization Toolkit, American Council on Education (ACE). (A great website that looks like a one-stop portal for internationalization)
Micro-credentials (micro-certifications, badging) / Micro-diplômes (micro-certification, écussons)
- Resources for faculty members and program staff
- SUNY Microcredentialing – Sample university policies, definitions, bibliography, and micro-credentials examples (
- – introduction to open badges and information about developing and issuing them. (
- Open Badges 2.0 standards – current standards (2020 annotation) for open badges (
- Micro-certifications, eCampus Ontario – emergent 2019/2020 framework and funding for micro-certifications in Ontario (
Online Teaching / Enseignement en ligne
- Resources for EDs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
- Resources for Faculty and TAs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) / Avancement des connaissances en enseignement et en apprentissage (ACEA)
- Resources for faculty members and program staff: (SoTL Canada colleagues)
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annotated Literature Database – Research on teaching strategies organized by topics (e.g,. absenteeism, clickers, cultural humility, portfolio) (
- SoTL Canada, within STLHE, part of ICED.
Teaching and Learning Strategies / Stratégies d’enseignement et d’apprentissage
- Meta-Resources for EDs:
- Educational Developers Cookbook curated by Celia Popovic ( – This is a collection of practical ideas offered for use by the educational development community. Based on the notion of a cook book put together by a community we offer Starters (ice breakers), Main Courses (ideas for workshops and events) and Desserts (ways to obtain feedback or evaluation).
- Resources for faculty members and program staff:
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annotated Literature Database – Research on teaching strategies organized by topics (e.g,. absenteeism, clickers, cultural humility, portfolio) (
Teaching Assistants Development / Formation de professeurs adjoints
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistants Development
- Resources for EDs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
- Resources for Faculty and TAs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
- Resources for EDs
- Graduate Teaching Assistants Development
- Resources for EDs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
- Resources for Faculty and TAs
- We are respectfully seeking resources
- Resources for EDs
Teaching and Learning Awards / Prix d’enseignement et d’apprentissage
- Meta- Resources for EDs about Awards:
- Preparing a nomination tips for 3M National Teaching Fellowship, STLHE
- Tips for submitting award nominations, ASHA, While not focused on teaching awards the suggestions about opening line and matching the characteristics resonate.
- What makes a great teaching award nomination dossier?, University of Calgary – describes how to focus on the most important piece, and tips for the philosophy, alignment, authentic expression and critical reflection
- Chism, N.V.N. (2006). Teaching awards: What do they award? The Journal of Higher Education, 77(4), 589-617. – journal article about teaching awards in higher education, primarily considering three dimensions used in judging nominated candidates: criteria, evidence and standards. The author disregarded the standards in the analysis as they were not included in any of the programs. The study included a random sample of 144 teaching awards in 85 institutions located in 33 states. The author recognized that the evidence was detached from the criteria. Among all the 144 award programs, only two had the evidence aligned with the criteria for their awards. Criteria of awards selection sometimes are not specified, and if specified, usually take the shape of eligibility requirements. The results of this paper show the ambiguity of the conceptualization and evaluation of teaching practices in higher education. In an attempt to identify the criteria of excellent teaching, the author presented the results that merged from various studies, which identified three main factors: organization, communication and fairness in grading and providing feedback. Additional factors were also identified, which are rapport, clarity, enthusiasm, flexibility, and assigned workload, and mastery of subject matter. The author concluded with two recommendations: to identify the criteria of these awards and to align these criteria with the evidence required.
- Resources for faculty members and program staff for Awards:
- 3M National Teaching Fellowship, STLHE – Nomination package for an individual faculty member at universities or colleges awarded annually to up to 10 individuals for excellence in teaching and leadership in teaching and learning.
- Alan Blizzard award, STLHE – National award for groups of two or more individuals that recognizes and celebrates excellence in collaborative teaching and learning in post-secondary education.
- D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, STLHE – National award that celebrates and recognizes up to five post-secondary educators each year for their innovative approaches that promote student-centred teaching and learning.
- SoTL Poster prize, STLHE – awarded for poster at the national STLHE conference that engages attendees in an interactive way and to explore creative, effective and innovative teaching and learning practices
- List of external grants, Queen’s University – identifies some foundations providing grants
- Medical Education research grants list, Queen’s University – Identifies educational research funding for medicine and related areas.
- Check within your institution, some provide funding for research on teaching, or course or curriculum development funding.
Teaching Hybrid
- Hybrid Modality: HyFlex Teaching (Georgetown University)
- Active Learning in Hybrid and Physically Distanced Classrooms (Vanderbilt University)
- Tips for Teaching HyFlex and Staggered Hybrid Courses with Remote Learners (Grand Valley State University)
- Introducing a New(-ish) Learning Mode: Blendflex/Hyflex (Inside Higher Ed)
- Teaching Tools: Active Learning while Physically Distancing (Louisiana State University)
- Discussion Paper on Hybrid Teaching and Learning (University of British Columbia)
- For additional resources see:–VYe6ixgjaq6I/edit?usp=sharing