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The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a constituency of STLHE that has at its core the goal of improving student learning. This is achieved through scholarly inquiry about learning, about teaching, and about how to best make public the resulting findings. SoTL Canada provides a targeted opportunity for scholars to form a community to share findings and challenges, engage in opportunities for broader dissemination of SoTL work, and consider ways to catalyze initiatives at the institutional, regional, national, and international levels.

  • Engage in a community of practice of scholars for the purpose of shared resources, research, and problem-solving regarding SoTL issues and questions.
  • Create and contribute to multiple approaches to the dissemination of scholarship about teaching and learning in higher education.
  • Collaborate on effective approaches to building a SoTL culture at institutional, regional, national, and international levels.
  • Serve as a resource and mentoring body for those seeking SoTL information and support.
  • To advocate at all levels, based on the above, for the importance and value of SoTL in enhancing post-secondary student learning.

Members are encouraged to join a committee and contribute to our goals of building a national community to share findings and challenges, and considering ways to catalyze SoTL initiatives at the institutional, regional, national, and international levels.

SoTL membership requires an active STLHE membership.

To become a SoTL member, update your membership profile through the STLHE portal.


Visit SoTL Canada for more information.

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