Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force
August 31, 2020
11:59 pm ET
The STLHE Board is pleased to announce the establishment of a Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Recent events provide a stark reminder that racism is a learned behavior and not something we are born with. As educators, we must therefore devote our energy, talents, and resources to raising awareness about its history and destructive impacts and learning ways of eliminating this scourge from our institutions and communities. STLHE individual and institutional members have done much work on inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism. But much more needs to be done.
Are you interested in being a member of the Task Group?
We are currently recruiting the members for the Task Force.
The mandate of the Task Force is to:
- Review current practices in EDI, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.
- Recommend a set of strategic directions and proactive measures for integrating EDI into the work and culture of the STLHE.
- Submit a final report to the STLHE Membership.
Chair: Dr Joy Mighty
We are pleased to announce that the Task Force on EDI will be chaired by Dr. Joy Mighty, a past STLHE President, inaugural chair of the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC), and recipient of the 2020 Christopher Knapper Lifetime Achievement Award, who has extensive academic and lived experiences with EDI issues.
The Task Force shall consist of representatives from a cross section of STLHE members. The Task Force shall consist of the following members:
- The Chair, Dr. Joy Mighty
- One representative from Regular Members-at-Large
- One representative from Student Members
- One representative from the 3M Council
- One representative from the EDC
- One representative from SoTL Canada
- One Ex-Officio Liaison from the STLHE Board, Valerie Lopes, Ph.D.
The Task Force shall also have a representative from the STLHE Administrative Centre AOR Solutions team (non-voting) to provide administrative and logistical support for the Task Force.