Application Process:

If you are interested in serving on the Task Force, please complete and submit the online application form by August 19, 2020.  You will be asked to include a 150-word statement of interest outlining your rationale for applying for membership on the EDI Task Force. Your statement should highlight your academic and/or lived experience with EDI issues, as well as your passion, commitment or activism relevant to EDI.

Task Force Member Selection Process:

The representatives of the three constituencies (3M Council of Fellows, Educational Developers Caucus, and SoTL Canada,) will be selected by the Executive Committees of these constituencies from among those members who apply to represent that constituency.

The representatives of the Regular and Student Members at Large will be selected from all applicants who have not been selected to represent a constituency.

Apply Now

Deadline for application to be submitted: August 19, 2020 Please note: You must be a current member of STLHE to serve on this Task Force.

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