Deadlines, Submission Requirements and Timelines
Packages should be submitted electronically on January 31, 2025.
Please label the dossier files using the following protocol: 3MNSF2025_LASTNAME, Firstname.pdf. Include citations as a separate page at the end of the dossier.
- Hard copies will not be accepted.
- Please do not include any images or photos in the nomination package.
- Please do not have blank pages or section dividers or section title pages.
- The complete nomination package, with all seven items noted in the Application Procedure section, and should be submitted electronically in a single PDF here.
- At the end of the dossier and and not included in the 15-page limit, please add a 20-word and a 200-word “citation,” describing yourself on a separate page. These bios will be used for publicity purposes when an applicant is chosen as an award recipient.
- We anticipate being able to announce the new 3M NSF cohort in April publicly.
For publicity and promotion, please note that if you are named a 3M National Student Fellow:
- Your email address will be shared publicly
Timeline for Award
The Adjudication Committee will choose the Fellows by April. Successful nominees are informed by the Presidents of 3M Canada and STLHE. Unsuccessful nominees will be informed by email.
The official announcement of the new cohort will appear on the STLHE website in April.
The new Fellows are invited into the Fellowship at the STLHE conference in June.
If you have any questions or concerns of any kind, please contact:
Dr. Anita Acai, Coordinator
3M National Student Fellowship Program
George Brown College