STLHE By-law Info Session
In the spring of last year, the STLHE Board of Directors commenced a review of the Society’s governance and identified both short- and long-term requirements. Most importantly, the Board determined that STLHE was not currently meeting its legal requirements under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. Changes were needed to ensure Board insurance coverage as well.
At its recent meeting on April 22, 2021, the Board proactively discussed the need for an information/Q&A session to inform the STLHE membership about the by-law changes it has developed to meet these requirements.
This Information Session will take place on May 20, 2021 at 1:30 pm ET for all interested members. Legal counsel will be in attendance at this session and ready to respond to any questions and concerns. Under the STLHE By-law and the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, the By-law changes are in force in effect once approved by the STLHE Board and must be affirmed at the next Annual General Meeting of Members. These governance by-law changes will also be on the Agenda for the AGM scheduled for June 18, 2021 at 12 pm ET, when the full membership will have an opportunity to affirm them.
We hope that members will take the opportunity to apprise themselves of these important efforts to ensure our governance structure is aligned with the Act so the STLHE Board can better serve its membership.
For more information, please read the STLHE Bylaw Revisions 2021 document, and the Annotated Revised Bylaws.