Debating the Role of Generative AI in SoTL Research: A SoTL Canada Community Discussion
Debating the Role of Generative AI in SoTL Research: A SoTL Canada Community Discussion
Session Facilitators
Kate Thompson, Dalhousie University
Amanda Brijmohan, University of Toronto
Session Summary
Generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool with significant implications for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Its integration into SoTL research presents both opportunities and challenges that researchers and educators need to carefully consider.
Join us for a community discussion/debate in which we will consider several provocations surrounding the potential uses of Generative AI in the SoTL research process.
Attendees will be invited to debate in breakout groups or through a Padlet, choosing from the following potential uses of AI in SoTL research:
- Conducting literature reviews, and research writing
- Analyzing data
- Conducting peer reviews
The content and format of this discussion were inspired by the articles listed below. These are not required pre-reading for our session but may be of interest to our audience.
Butson, R., & Spronken-Smith, R. (2024). AI and its implications for research in higher education: A critical dialogue. Higher Education Research & Development, 43(3), 563–577.
Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., Phipps, L., Shapiro, H., Guizzo, D., & Knight, C. (2024). Academics’ Weak(ening) Resistance to Generative AI: The Cause and Cost of Prestige? Postdigital Science and Education.