EDI Standing Committee: Call for Volunteers

November 17, 2021


Join the Standing Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Based on Recommendation 1 of the STLHE Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force Report – Pathways to Justice: An EDI Journey for the STLHE/SAPES Community we are reaching out to the STLHE membership for individuals to serve on the Standing Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. All STLHE members are welcome to be part of this Standing Committee, as there is much work to be done. We recognize that the term EDI is evolving and the Standing Committee may recommend to the Board a different name for the Committee going forward. Please indicate your willingness to serve on this Committee by submitting your name by November 17th.

To see the work of the STLHE EDI Task Force – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force | STLHE

EDI Task Force Report (English)

EDI Task Force Report (French)

Video Recording  (Passcode: k*g+&e$5) 

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