What are the benefits of Recording Lectures for Teachers?

To continue our discussion about recording lectures, I thought I’d highlight why recorded lectures provide benefits to teachers as well as students (which we’ve already explored): instructors teaching several and/or larger enrolment courses will see a considerable reduction in the amount of in-person or electronic requests for content-related assistance. they provide an uncontested record of what was communicated in class, providing a safeguard for educators in relation to potential misattributions.

Why Should I Use Kaltura?

Kaltura is an effective tool for uploading and creating video in your course and can be used for these tasks: Uploading large video files to stream, creating video quizzes, and creating screen recordings.

Where can I Find More About Using Kaltura?

Lang, J. (2019, November 11). Focus on the Continuous Improvement Process: Blended Faculty Development in Adapting and Authoring Open Content in the Affordable Course Transformation. Uregina.ca; The Affordable Course Transformation at Penn State University. https://opentextbooks.uregina.ca/olc2019/?s=Kaltura

Stamatopoulos, V. (2020, May). Recording lectures with Kaltura. Pressbooks.pub; Centre for Higher Education Research, Policy & Practice (CHERPP). https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/techtoolsforteaching/chapter/04-recording-lectures-with-kaltura/

Attribution Statement:

Stamatopoulos, V. (2020, May). Recording lectures with Kaltura. Pressbooks.pub; Centre for Higher Education Research, Policy & Practice (CHERPP). https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/techtoolsforteaching/chapter/04-recording-lectures-with-kaltura/ which is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


brandea1. (2018, September 18). Using Kaltura Capture in Brightspace. Vanderbilt University; Vanderbilt University. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/brightspace/how-do-i-use-kaltura-capture-in-kaltura/ ‌ ‌



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