STLHE Special Meeting (AGM Completion)

(1:30 pm NT; 1:00 pm AT; 11:00 am CT; 10:00 am MT; 9:00 am PT)

The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education will hold a Special Meeting of the members on Thursday, July 22, 2021 from 12 – 2pm Eastern Time. The Special Meeting will be held on Zoom. Members will be asked to register and will be sent the link after registration. Register now.

At STLHE’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on June 18, 2021, the meeting was adjourned before the passage of a revised by-law proposed by the Board and the ratification of incoming Directors.  While we appreciate the many challenges associated with holding such a meeting in the summer months, we urge you to attend this Special Meeting to complete the Society’s AGM business.  We also request that you please review the linked information we are providing with this Notice so that you have what you need to form a reasoned judgement on the business at hand.

We require a by-law revision to bring STLHE in line with the federal legislation that governs it. Based on legal advice and our concern that we will lose the Society’s liability insurance without this change, the Board has prepared a revised by-law to satisfy all legal requirements. At this time, we also want to communicate, once more, that the Society is at serious risk if this by-law change is not accepted.

The items of business will be:

  • Revised By-law No.1 to bring the by-law into alignment with the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
  • Election of STLHE Board of Directors (as duly elected by the membership June 15)
  • Any Other Business


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