Taking Stock 2.0 — Call for Chapter Proposals
August 14, 2020
11:59 pm ET
Taking Stock 2.0: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Call for Chapter Proposals
A lot has changed in our understanding of and approach to teaching and learning in higher education, since the 2010 publication of Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. And yet, much has stayed the same (despite the current pandemic). As we approach the book’s tenth anniversary, it seems appropriate to take stock once again – of what we know now, what has changed and what further change is needed in support of deep and essential learning in our ever-changing world. These are among the issues to be covered in our new book Taking Stock 2.0: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
On June 10, the editors Julia Christensen Hughes, Joy Mighty, and Denise Stockley facilitated an interactive webinar, which included highlights of the original Taking Stock publication and the proposed framework for Taking Stock 2.0. In small groups, participants reflected on what has changed over the past 10 years and provided their insights and lived experiences regarding the most pertinent issues in higher education today and in the future.
We now invite you and your colleagues to reflect on this valuable input and submit proposed contributions as we aim to take stock once again in 2020! It is our intention that this second book will support the work of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) and the higher education community for years to come. The publication target date is spring 2021, just in time for the 40th Anniversary of STLHE and our conference in Ottawa.
The following provides detailed steps for submitting a chapter proposal. We encourage chapters that are co-authored with diverse representation and scholarship, that focus on one or more of the following areas with a global audience in mind:
- Student engagement, learning, and success
- Outcomes based curricula
- High impact practices
- Enriching learning environments
- Communities (Internal and External)
- Other
To the extent appropriate, each chapter should explicitly build on the work of Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, identify what has changed over the past ten years (in our knowledge and practice), and make recommendations for transforming teaching and learning in the decade ahead.
Important Dates
- June 2020 (call for chapter proposals)
- August 14, 2020 (chapters proposals due)
- September 4, 2020 (chapter authors notified, commence writing)
- November/December 2020 (chapter authors present their drafts for input)
- January 15, 2021 (final chapters due)
- February/March 2021 (editing, external review)
- April 2021 (target completion date)
- May 2021 (printing)
- June 15, 2021 (official book release — STLHE 40th Anniversary & Conference)
We ask that the chapter proposals be submitted no later than August 14, 2020 via a Google Form which includes the following elements:
Working Title:
Abstract: Max 200 words
Areas of focus (check all that apply):
- Student engagement, learning, and success
- Outcomes based curricula
- High impact practices
- Enriching learning environments
- Communities (Internal and External)
- Other
Keywords: 3–6 keywords
Contributor information:
Required information for each contributor, in the correct authorship order and as you would like to see in print:
- Full name
- Institution name (in full, no abbreviations)
- Primary e-mail address
- Contributor bio (Max 100 words)