SoTL Canada 2024 Elections

May 15, 2024

We are excited to welcome nominations for the SoTL Canada Executive. There are three (3) positions are open for this election cycle:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice-Chair
  3. Communications Officer

Each position’s term of office is two years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms, beginning June 15, 2024, and ending June 14, 2026.

Any member of SoTL Canada may self-nominate or nominate an individual they believe is ideal for the posted positions. SoTL Canada members are members of STLHE.

To nominate a candidate or yourself, we ask that you verify that the nominee meets the following:

  • Is willing to run for the position;
  • Is a member in good standing of SoTL Canada (or will be at the time of application); and
  • Will be able to attend the SoTL Canada Annual Members’ Meeting which is typically held in June and can communicate electronically with general and executive members throughout their term.

Submit to the Nominations Chair (contact information below) a photograph, short biography, and statement indicating their interest in the position (maximum 250 words) by May 15th, 2024.

Nomination packages are due May 15, 2024, at midnight (PDT) to the Elections Chair.

Leadership Structure:

SoTL Canada operates on a peer leadership model, with members encouraged to join a committee and contribute to its goal. Of the elected executive positions (each for a 2-year term, renewal once), three are open in this 2023 election:

Chair:  Provides overall guidance to the executive and chairs SoTL Canada executive meetings (approximately 6 per year); develops and contributes to special projects and initiatives as needed; reports to the STLHE Board as required; attends STLHE Board meetings when requested.

Vice Chair: Supports the chair; supports the SoTL Canada Poster award for the annual STLHE conference, develops and contributes to special projects and initiatives; sits on SoTL Canada Executive; and attends monthly, online SoTL Canada Executive meetings.

Communication Officer: The primary responsibility is to liaison with the STLHE office regarding the SoTL Canada Website and Twitter account, ensuring they are updated regularly with relevant content. You will also play a key role in promoting all SoTL Canada events by liaising with the STLHE graphic designer to develop eye-catching promotional materials. Additionally, you will assist with communicating important information about these events to the target audience.

For more information about the executive positions of the SoTL Canada Constituency Group, visit the website at:

Please send all nominations and inquiries to the elections chair: Cynthia Korpan ( The subject line must be titled SoTL Canada Elections Nomination Package.

Elections will open after all nominations have been received – additional information will follow at that time.

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