Call for Nominations and Expressions of Interest: Council of Fellows Executive
April 12, 2021
11:59 pm ET
The Council of Fellows is seeking nominations or expressions of interest (self-nomination) from the amongst Membership of the Council to fill three (3) positions as Fellow-at-Large on the Council Executive.
In accordance with the 2018 bylaws of the Council, a Nominations Committee has been struck to oversee the process. The 2021 Nominations Committee consists of Tari Ajadi (3M NSF 2014), Shannon Murray (3M NTF 2001), and Jessica Riddell (3M NTF 2015).
The term of each position is 2 years and is renewable for a second, 2-year term. The terms will officially begin at the upcoming STLHE unconference – held virtually in June 2021.
Meetings and Travel
This is a working executive; between September and June, the executive tries to meet every month on Zoom. Face-to-face meetings generally only occur at the STLHE annual conference in June.
The Council Executive
The new Fellows-at-Large will join the Council Executive, which consists of both appointed and elected members. All elected members join the Executive as Fellows-at-Large with the 3-4 officer positions selected from within that group. Appointed (ex officio) members of the Executive are the co-ordinators of the 3M National Teaching Fellowship and the 3M National Student Fellowship – who serve on longer terms and at the will of the STLHE Board, though they hold full voting privileges within the Executive.
Nomination Procedure
Each nominee is required to provide a brief 150-word biography, a brief 150-word statement of interest on why they wish to become a member of the Executive, and a recent digital photograph (head and shoulders shot). This material will be used should an election be required.
Please send nomination materials to Jessica Riddell on or before April 12th, 2021.
If you have any questions about the nomination process please contact Jessica.
If an election is necessary, that will take place in late April/early May, so that results can be shared for the STLHE unconference in June 2021.