2021 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning Call for Nominations

February 26, 2021
11:59 pm ET

STLHE and D2L  invite submissions for the 2021 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning. Established in 2012, the D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, sponsored by D2L (Desire2Learn), celebrates and recognizes up to five post-secondary educators each year for their innovative approaches that promote student-centred teaching and learning.

This award is designed to encourage innovative practices in all aspects of teaching and learning. The practice of effective and meaningful teaching can benefit immensely when educators thoughtfully experiment and apply new or different pedagogical approaches, technologies, curricular enhancement, course design and organization, and assessments.

Award recipients receive up to $2,200 to offset the registration and travel costs to attend the Annual STLHE conference and an Award Recipients retreat the day before the conference. They also receive a two-year STLHE membership and a Certificate of Recognition.

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