Welcome to My Classroom

“Welcome to my classroom” is scheduled as an interactive session in the annual STLHE conference program and showcases the teaching of 3M National Teaching Fellows. Presenters give a sample interactive class suitable for first-year students or a general audience.
The 50-minute session generally consists of two components: a presentation of a teaching moment, innovation or style, and a discussion of the pedagogy behind the presentation. The second part is intended as a forum for the audience to ask questions and relate the enacted elements to their own teaching experiences. Three proposals are selected in an attempt to create a balance of styles and subjects.
Submitting a Proposal
- Please consider the conference theme in your proposal;
- Follow and respect the submission dates and guidelines as outlined on the conference web site in the call for proposals; and
- Start the title of your proposal with “Welcome to my classroom” followed by the remainder of your title. This will allow the program organizers to correctly identify the submissions for this part of the program.
The conference program committee will ensure submissions meet the program requirements and will forward them to the 3M “Welcome” sessions working group who then will select three for the program. Those not chosen for the special session will have the Welcome to my Classroom prefix of the title removed and will be considered with the other submissions to the conference.