STLHE Board Meeting — September 23, 2021
Summary of minutes
The Chair, Denise Stockley, welcomed our incoming Directors to the Board and contextualized the start of this academic year. She invited each Director to think about where they would like to contribute and reminded all that the EDI Task Force Report is coming this fall. Work on membership was largely set aside last year so we will want to resume that. There was no report from the Vice-Chair, Elana Cooperberg, at this time. The Secretary, Miriam Carey, advised the Board that the alignment of policies with the bylaw would be undertaken this fall. The office of Treasurer remains vacant and we are looking to fill that position as soon as possible. The Executive Director made a verbal report.
Janice Miller-Young is taking the lead on the STLHE conference in June 2022 to be held in Ottawa. She updated the Board on progress to date and invited other Directors to become involved. Laura Kinderman, who did a lot of the work for the original Ottawa conference scheduled for 2020, and last year’s virtual unconference, was thanked for her efforts.
The main business of the meeting was the Board’s confidential consideration of a request to dissolve the EDC as per an email from the EDC Executive dates August 6, 2021. No decision was made in response to the request, and a small working group was tasked with bringing recommendations back to the Board in its October meeting.
This summary of minutes was prepared by:
Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE