Summary of minutes

With no face-to-face EDC conference scheduled for February, the Board would consider a November face-to-face meeting. 

The expiration of the agreement between STLHE and 3M was noted and a review would be undertaken with a view to continue the agreement. 

Criteria for the Alan Blizzard Award were approved (inclusive of all Canadian higher education and broadening “collaboration”). 

Revisions to Policy 1 re: membership were approved (removal of fee specifics and a simplification of the section on Affiliated Groups). 

Revisions to Policy 10, Civility, were approved (the use of calendar days and that the President or Vice-President would provide a written report to the Board as necessary). 

Teaching and Learning Networks (TLNs) were approved as a new form of STLHE community and Article 6, Policies 6 and 9 would be revised accordingly. 

The Student Advocacy position on the Board was confirmed at two years and it was hoped that an appointment would be made in October.

This summary of minutes was prepared by:

Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE

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