Summary of minutes

The Chair advised the Board that the Annual Report for 2020 is complete and will be distributed, as usual, to the institutional members this fall; it will also be posted on the website.  The Vice-Chair led the discussion of recommendations and considerations received from the small group working on the EDC Executive’s request of the Board that it dissolve the EDC.  This issue remains confidential.  The Secretary’s report was tabled to November.  The Executive Director led the review of financial statements for September and advised the Board that the EDI Task Force Report will be held on October 29.  Janice Miller-Young provided an update on the conference.

Motions carried included the rescindment of her Directorship as Partnership Chair by Janice Miller-Young; the appointment of Vicki Woodside-Duggins to the position of Director to fill a vacancy until the 2022 AGM; and the appointment of Vicki Woodside-Duggins to the office of Treasurer for the duration of her Directorship.

This summary of minutes was prepared by:

Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE

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