Summary of Minutes

The STLHE/Teikyo Collaboration Project was discussed (at Teikyo University in Japan, September 6 – 12, 2016). 

The Treasurer made a financial report. 

Reports also came from SoTL Canada and Partnerships. 

After discussion, the Board voted not to renew the Magna agreements with STLHE.

The Board unanimously approved Alan Wright as the Knapper Award Coordinator. 

Partnerships with other like organizations were discussed; STLHE has been invited to serve as a partner organization on a SSHRC grant. 

The Secretary advised the Board that meetings would no longer be recorded (and that everyone was responsible to ensure the accuracy of the minutes), and assisted the Board in an introduction to Basecamp for confidential conversations online. 

The creation of a special projects budget line was introduced.

This summary of minutes was prepared by:

Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE

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