STLHE Board Meeting — March 17, 2022
Summary of minutes
The Nominations Committee is being struck and preparing for the upcoming STLHE election (5 Director positions are available for election). Membership continues to drop, as it has been for many organizations over covid; this will be a focus for the incoming Board and the conference in June may increase renewals. The Equity Committee is up and running; the Board needs to decide how equity issues across the entire Society will be managed (suggestion: brought to the Equity Committee and then recommendations made to the Board for approval). STLHE is a founding member of the International Consortium of Educational Developers (ICED) and should review that membership given the disbandment of our EDC at its own request. The Board agreed to an addendum of an MOU regarding splitting profits from the educational developers’ conference in February. The Christopher Knapper Award was decided upon.
This summary of minutes was prepared by:
Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE