STLHE Board Meeting — June 6-7, 2022
Summary of minutes
Via e-vote, the Board approved the audited financial statements before this face-to-face meeting in Ottawa. The Vice-Chair reported back on the ICED meeting, noting the next conference (in two years) will be held in Kenya. The elections of Directors are complete and five persons were elected to the five vacancies; the Board should decide, in advance of next year’s election, whether to eliminate or enforce Policy 3, section 3.A bullet 3 which prohibits campaigning. Volunteers were requested to assist at the conference registration desk and also at the awards gala evening. SoTL Canada is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year; micro-credentialing was discussed which was expanded to ideas beyond SoTL. In its strategic planning work, the Board worked on a new vision and mission, identified some key values, and began to consider key strategic goals for the next 2 – 3 years. This work will be reviewed with the incoming Directors and advanced once the new Board is in place.
This summary of minutes was prepared by:
Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE