Summary of minutes

Presentations on Taking Stock 2.0 are coming up this winter and all were invited to share this information with their networks.  The EDC listserv name change will occur by 1 March, or the Board will mandate a name change to Educational Developers, and dissociate the name from STLHE, as STLHE has no control over the listserv.  The crowd-sourced STLHE leaders meetings are proving fruitful and a successful means of sharing information and issues.  The financial statements at end-December were reviewed, and some preparatory discussion regarding the 2022 budget ensued; the budget will be discussed and decided upon at the February meeting.  The EDI Standing Committee has begun to meet and is considering its terms of reference, leadership, and name.  The CFP for our June conference will close at end January; possible keynotes are being discussed.  PEI is being considered for the 2023 conference site.

This summary of minutes was prepared by:

Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE

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