Summary of minutes

The unconference planning is ongoing.  The 2021 STLHE budget was approved with slight modifications (a reduction in conference fees, the elimination of a Board F2F meeting in December, and the approval of the EDC EDI request with the following caveats:

  1. That the work be related to the EDI Task Force and that funds would become available after the EDI Task Force has made its report to the membership;
  2. That the EDC document how these monies will be spent; and
  3. That a final report be presented to the STLHE Board of Directors.)

The Secretary’s Report was tabled to the next Board meeting, along with three motions to align the Society with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.  The Board was considering two Town Halls: one regarding EDI issues, and one regarding governance.

This summary of minutes was prepared by:

Miriam Carey
Secretary, STLHE

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