2017 3M National Student Fellows Press Release
2017 3M National Student Fellows

3M Canada and the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education are delighted to introduce the recipients of the 2017 3M National Student Fellowship:
Laura Yvonne Bulk, Rehabilitation Science, University of British Columbia
Jacky Chan, Education, Lakehead University
Naina Garg, Economics and Finance, Saint Mary’s University
Erin Hayward, Environmental and Life Sciences, Trent University
Bai Bintou Kaira, Chemical Engineering, Dalhousie University
Aakriti Kapoor, Education, University of Toronto
Sarah Khan, Biochemistry, University of Victoria
Anika Riopel, Theatre Arts and Environment, Sustainability & Society, Dalhousie University
Caitlin Salvino, Human Rights and Transnational Law, Carleton University
Jory Smallenberg, Sociology, University of British Columbia
The 3M National Student Fellowship Award was introduced in 2012 to honour undergraduate students in Canada who have demonstrated qualities of outstanding leadership and who embrace a vision where the quality of their educational experience can be enhanced in academia and beyond. Each candidate provided us with their definition of leadership in the context of his or her educational experience. We also asked applicants to explain why they aspired to leadership roles and to share a challenge in post-secondary education along with a proposed solution.
This award to full-time students at Canadian post-secondary institutions who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their lives, at their post-secondary institution. These students embrace a vision of education that enhances their academic experience and beyond.
This partnership between 3M Canada and STLHE is an exciting opportunity for students across Canada to distinguish themselves as part of a unique learning community.
Each of the ten winners receives a $5,000 award, registration at the STLHE conference, this year hosted by five post-secondary institutions in Halifax, participation in a day-long retreat held in Halifax, Nova Scotia as well as accommodation and funds towards travel to the conference. They are invited to take part in a collaborative project related to post-secondary education.
This year’s cohort of 3M National Student Fellows continues the legacy that began in 2012 – a legacy that we know will assist many future years of undergraduate students across Canada.
Find out more about the individual Student Fellows here.