Thriving on Campus
Group Description: Thriving on Campus is a multi-year study that explores the experiences, strengths, wellbeing, and academic development of diverse LGBTQ2S+ university students throughout Ontario. The study involves four phases. Phase 1: A scan of the LGBTQ2S+ policies, resources, and services available at Ontario universities Phase 2: A province-wide online survey conducted with LGBTQ2S+ students Phase 3: Follow-up interviews with LGBTQ2S+ students Phase 4: Regional and provincial webinars to share the findings with community and university stakeholders The study is guided by an advisory committee representing student and LGBTQ2S+ organizations and the student affairs field. The study is led by an interdisciplinary research team and involves student research assistants from social work, psychology, and other areas.
Area of Advocacy: LGBTQ+
Level of Organization: Provincial
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