The Loaded Ladle Halifax Food Co-operative
Group Description: The Loaded Ladle provides accessible, sustainable, locally-sourced free food on the campus of Dalhousie University. Our collective of students and workers manages this alternative food service. We offer events and activities which critically examine barriers to food sovereignty, food security and food justice. Food Justice in Action Our Vision: The Loaded Ladle imagines a food system based on care and solidarity, which opposes injustice. Our Mission: - Direct action to provide student-run food services at Dalhousie University and the larger community as an alternative to exploitative capitalist food services; - Education, action and solidarity about food security, food justice and food sovereignty. Our Values: - We are explicitly anti-capitalist, anti-oppression, anti-racism; - We engage meaningful participation by diverse groups of people; - We practice and promote care, solidarity and community; - We practice open non-hierarchical decision-making.
Area of Advocacy: Environmental Justice, Food Justice
Level of Organization: School-specific
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