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Le 13 janvier 2022 (13 h 00 – 14 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Measurement, Meaning, and Mindset: A Multiple Perspective Reflection on the Student Approaches to Learning Framework

Janette Barrington, Robert Cassidy, Torgny Roxa

Le 18 janvier 2022 (11 h 00 – 12 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Quo Vadis? Part-time faculty : Taking Stock, Looking Forward

Abdulghany Mohamed


Le 2 février 2022 (15 h 00 – 16 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Engaging Diverse International Students: Promising Online Teaching Practices

Clayton Smith, George Zhou


Le 1er mars 2022 (14 h 00 – 15 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Driving Academic Quality: Lessons from the Study of Skills in Ontario

HECQO (Amy Kaufman et Jackie Pichette)

Le 10 mars 2022 (11 h 00 – 12 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Community-Oriented Experiential Learning: Fostering Ethical High-Impact Practices for the Future

Sandra Smeltzer, Vanessa Sperduti

Le 16 mars 2022 (15 h 00 – 16 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

A Rubric for Assessing Lifelong Learning Mindsets in Work-Integrated Learning

Robert Sproule, David Drewery, T. Judene Pretti

Le 30 mars 2022 (13 h 00 – 14 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Misalignment, Negotiation, and Compromise: The Challenging Process of Pursuing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Higher Education

Groupe de travail sur l’EDI : Joy Mighty (présidente), Ann Braithwaite, Jacky Deng, Shaobo Huang, Brian Leacock, Valerie Lopes, Michelle MacDonald, Rodrigo Narro Pérez, Bre-Anna Owusu, Pamela Toulouse


Le 12 avril 2022 (12 h 00 – 13 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Student-Centered Learning and Teaching Practices in Higher Education That Make an Impact: What We Know and What We (Should) Do

Sabine Hoidn

Le 20 avril 2022 (15 h 00 – 16 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

A Framework for Designing Online Collaborative Inquiry

Brett McCollum, Layne Morsch, Michael Wentzel

Le 27 avril 2022 (13 h 00 – 14 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Knowledge Progression Across Academic Disciplines: Professions, and Vocational/Technical Fields

Mary Wilson, Christine Arnold


Le 5 mai 2022 (11 h 00 – 12 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Curriculum Review as a Process to Optimize Learning Outcomes and Impact Teaching Culture

Fabiola Aparicio-Ting, Patti Dyjur

Le 12 mai 2022 (14 h 00 – 15 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

3M National Teaching and Student Fellows’ Educational Leadership Contributions to Inspiring Postsecondary Teaching and Learning Cultures

Nicola Simmons, Aline Germain-Rutherford

Le 24 mai 2022 (15 h 00 – 16 h 00, Heure de l’Est)

Students as Partners: An Inclusive Approach to High-Impact Practices (HIPS)

Jessica Riddell, Tiffany MacLennan

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